April is here! The first quarter of this year has gone fast!
Last weekend we were trading at the Hurstbridge show over the Easter. A big thanks to Lyndon and the members of the Yarra Valley MRC for a great weekend. Here we released our long awaited Oil Tank wagons (OT's) and also our Weedex Spray Van (HZ/WZ). Both these items along with our HO, OO and O scale 44 gallon drums are now available online. The OT's are $35ea or 4 for $125 and the HZ for $30 both include decals. The HO and OO drums are $1 for 6 and the O scale ones are 2 for $1.
You will also notice the website's will under go a bit of a make over the following weeks with the online store set to be split in two. One page will be only wagons and other for our decals, drums and other bits and pieces.
You many also be pleased to find that Buffer Stop in Preston now stock our wagons and others coming soon..