04 November 2011

Closed til the New Year

Please note we will not be accepting orders until the new year:
We will be closed for business for the next two months. This will allow us to focus on our unfinished projects, clean up the website and blog and work on some new ideas. Expressions of interest will still be taken on items over this time. Our first appearence in the new year will be at the Warrnambool Model Railway Exhibition on the 14 and 15 of January 2012.

02 September 2011

Limited Stock Left!

Please note we currently have limited stock on the following:

HD's Only 3 Left! - Our decals stock is running out. Once we have sold out, these models will not be available again until Jan 2012 at Warrnambool Model Railway Expo.

F's Only 11 Left! -  Our Horse Box decals are getting low. Once we have sold out of these models, we will look into if it is worth continueing them in the new year. 

If you are looking to save a few $$ we currently have 2 Special Offers running at the moment these included:
Special Offer 1 - Bulk Flat Wagon Buy
4x VC 09 I/IK/K for $35 - save $5

Special Offer 4 - Bulk Open Wagon Buy
2x VC 06a I/IB (wooden)
2x VC 06b I/IG/IX (falling doors)
All 4 for $40 - save $4

Exhibitions..Next year we will be attending Warrnambool's Model Railway Exhibition it will he held on the 14th and 15th January 2012 at the Archie Graham Community Centre, Timor Street Warrnambool for more information email warrnamboolmodelrailwayclub@gmail.com

We are also looking to attend a few more Exhibitions throughout the year, so if your club's exhibition could do with an extra trader let us know.

Edit: 5th Sept 2011 - Now only 11 Horse box decals left

16 June 2011

1st Pintsch Gas Tank Wagon Cabin Cast

Here is the master used for the cabin of the Q26 & 30 Pintsch Gas tank wagons minus the roof.

These are the first pictures taken of the cast of the cabin walls:

These 4 walls of the cabin will be one part of a four part kit of the Q 26 and 30. It will accompany the roof, tank and underframe to complete the kit.

Cheers Rach
VR Casts

p.s. sorry for the poor quality photo's

08 June 2011

New Customer Loyalty Cards

Check out our New Customer Loyalty Cards

These cards can only be used at exhibitions or club visits and obtained during these times. For every product purchased at an expo or club visit that is $10 and over you will recieve a stamp in a box. Once your card is full you will be able to recieve one product up to the the value of $15 and you will be issued with another card. Only one card can be handed in per person per exhibition or visit. The card maybe used at any or all the exhibition we attend. This card can also be stamped if you make an order at an expo or visit. Full terms and condition can be found on the back of the card, on our website or in person at an expo or visit.


We have a few shots of the first cast of the Q's Cabin (Pintsch Gas Wagon) which will up later tonight.


Over the next few months you should start to notice that our procducts will be given a Skill Level. These Skill Levels will be indicated by one of the following icons.

These icons represent the five different skill levels needed to complete our products. Skill Level 1 products will only need basic modelling skills - a great start for those who are starting off in the hobby or re-entering the hobby. Whereas Skill Level 5 products will need more advanced skills to complete the product and would to suitable for exprienced modeller. Skill Level 3 in somewhere inbetween. The Skill Levels are not entirely based just on the skills needed but the time it takes, equipment and tools needed and the amount of parts there are. A more comprehensive description of each Skill Level will put on the website in the next few months.

Cheers Dave and Rach

Stay tuned of the photo's of the Q's Cabin..

24 May 2011

20 May 2011 - 'WA Weedex Tank'

Work has commenced on the master for the 'WA/WX Weedex Tank'

Background Information:
Between 1955 and 1959, twenty five tank wagons were place in service. Nine of these wagons were bogie tanks with E underframes. The remainders had a cylindrical tank mounted on a fixed wheel underframe. The WX tanks were numbered 1 to 15. They were used in a weed spray train with a weed spray van HZ/WZ. In 1963, the WX class was re-lettered to WA. This was because the code conflicted with the introduction of letter 'X' indicating bogie exchange and so the class was re-lettered to WA.

Numbers 10 - 19 were scrapped prior to the WA re-classification leaving numbers 1 to 9 and 20 to 25. The fleet of tanks in active service was reduced to WA 1 to 9 and the remaining were scrapped or stored. Four (1, 3, 7 and 9) of the WA's in the group 1 to 9 were fitted with replacement underframes in the the late 1970's. This work was done at the Bendigo Workshops with an ELX design underframe being used.

In 1988 the WA tank wagons, number 1 to5, 7 and 9 were re-lettered to VZVA.

For more information and picture's head over to Peter J Vincent's website.

14 May 2011

Have you seen our new website?

Go to http://www.vrcasts.com/ and check it out?

The website has a whole new look and layout (keeping in mind it is still a work in progress). There is an updated online store with all the new specials currently available. In the description of each product in the store it will tell you if you need any other additional items to complete the model. With the new changes came some sacrifices this includes the loss of the members side and page. We have transferred all members to our VIP emailing list. An email will be sent out to all those people.

Work has been progressing on the Pintsch Gas Q26 and 30 nicely left is a picture of the master for the tank. This product at this stage will be a four piece kit. The parts include tank, body of the cabin, roof on the cabin and the underframe. We are currently sourcing decals as well.

The follow is some back ground information on the wagons:

In 1878 two Q bogie flat wagons number 26 and 30 were built by Tozer in Melbourne. By 1903 Q 30 was modified at the Newport Workshops where it gained a Pintsch Gas tank with an engine as too did Q 26 in April 1910. These two wagons had the remains of very old passenger carriages installed over the engines and the front of the tanks to protect them from the weather. In the early 1970's both wagon came off register and are currently been preserved in non-operational condition by the ARHS at Newport. In 1982 they had their number swapped so Q 26 became Q30 (2nd) and Q 30 became Q 26 (2nd). The Pintsch Gas was used for the lighting of passenger cars and country stations.

01 May 2011

Special Offers Now available

We currently have 3 Special Offers running at the moment these included:

Special Offer 1 - Bulk Flat Wagon Buy
4x VC 09 I/IK/K for $35 - save $5

Special Offer 4 - Bulk Open Wagon Buy
2x VC 06a I/IB (wooden)
2x VC 06b I/IG/IX (falling doors)
All 4 for $40 - save $4

Special Offer 3 - Combo Pack
1x VC 05a HD 27
1x VC 05b HD 33
1x VC 06a I/IB
1x VC 09 I/IK/K
All 4 for $40 - save $5

To receive these special offers head over to our online store: http://www.vrcasts.com/

14 March 2011

NEW IK Flat Wagon

To Be Release MAY 2011
IK Flat Wagon - Type 1

These wagons were believe to be modified 10 ton I wagons with at least 88 in the class. There numbers were various between 112 and 6989. With the sides, doors and ends removed from the wagon they retained their I wagon number and coded IK.

They were initially used to assist with line construction. Then later on, tanks were mounted to the floor for water transport. Soon after these wagons were modified for weed spraying use along with other various uses.

From 1920 it was intended that the wagon were to be rebuilt back into standard I/IB wagons but this didn't seem to eventuate. By 1930 most of the wagons were recoded into the K Flat wagon group whilst others were scrapped.
The following are some sample pictures

Kit will be produced as one piece with the body and underframe joined. All that is needed to complete this model is a 10' 6" SEM underframe kit minus the floor and handbrake kit some couplers and decals.
Kit will cost $10 ea or 4 for $35 plus postage
Please email us with your expression of interest and/or question or comment
Cheers Dave and Rach

18 February 2011

Feb 2011 - Delays in Orders and New Decals

Quick Update

February has also been a full on month for us so far and having said that we have a few updates and some news to share.

First things first..

We are currently out of resin (the material we use to manufacture our products) resulting in any orders taken/ made from Saturday 19th Feb 2011 to Friday 25th Feb 2011 will be unable to be processed til Saturday 26th Feb 2011. We have ordered more resin today and the expected to be here in 3 business days.

Second thing..

For those who are interested we will have some new decals available soon.

  • 13mm sq BP Decals - $2.00 a pair
  • OT 77 (low dome) with apair of BP decals - $3.50
  • OT 78, 79, 80 (high dome) with a pair of BP decals - $3.50

These will be available from Monday 21st Feb 2011 unless they hit the online store before hand. HD decals for no. 27 and 33 are still available for $2.00 and the F Horse Box Decals also, these to will be added to the online store.

Cheers Rach and Dave

25 January 2011

VC 03 Guard Van/ Horse Box Kit (DFdf) is currently SOLD OUT

Quick Update Well January has been an busy month for us, having said that We have sold our last DFdf in stock moments ago, the VR Casts: VC 03 - Guard Van/ Horse Box Kit (DFDF) is now currently SOLD OUT! BUT good news... A re-run should happen by MAY 2011, if decals arrive in time and the new mould is completed. The new mould will have the roof seperate to the body and the kit will include basic instructions and decals included this time. For those lucky ones that already have a DFdf decals will also be available seperatly for purchase. Estimated cost for kit $28 and decals $3.00. Still in Stock include the following: VC 02 b* - Horse Box Kit (FF/ F) current price $20 VC 05 a* - Departmental Van (HD 27) current price $10 VC 05 b* - Departmental Van (HD 33) current price $10 VC 06 a - Open Wagon (I/ IB) current price $10 VC 06 b - Open Wagon (I/ IG/ IX) current price $12 * indicates kits that are now supplied with decals. Extra decals for the HD's can be purchased for $2.00. Please note additional parts will be needed to complete these wagons such as brass detail part, couplers and underframes. Cheers Rach and Dave

19 January 2011

Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome to

VR Casts Blog Page

For those who haven't heard of us yet we specialise in manufacturing Victorian Railways HO scale kits and accessories from Late 1880's to 1960's. We aim to bring you 'the best of the rest', wagons that are yet to be produced by other model railway manufactures and that would otherwise need to be scratch built or kit bashed.

We started back in May 2010, since then we have released the following items:
  • Victorian Railways HD 27* built 1955
  • Victorian Railways HD 33* built 1956
  • Victorian Railways I/IB Wooden built from 1888 to 1903
  • Victorian Railways I/IG/IX 'Falling/drop Doors' built 1904
  • Victorian Railways FF 53 to 64/ F 25 to 36* built 1905

By May 2011 we should have released the following additional items:

  • Victorian Railways C 4 to 9/ J 1 to 6 built 1902/03
  • Victorian Railways F 11* built 1893
  • Victorian Railways DFDF 1 built 1901
  • Victorian Railways HZ 1/ WZ 1 built 1954
  • Victorian Railways OT 77* low dome built 1927
  • Victorian Railways OT 78 to 80* high dome built 1927

* indicates the products that are currently supplied with decals

All VR Casts products are casts from orgainals made and owned by David himself. All the above wagons are made from or will be made from polyurethane resin casts. Extra parts are needed to complete theses products such as brass detailing parts, underframes, bogies or couplers.

As we are part time business these products are only currently available direct from us via phone order, email order, via our website, at exhibition trade stands or special visits to clubs.

The forms of payment we except are the following:

  • Cheque - made out to David Shalders
  • Money Order
  • Paypal
  • Bank Deposit
  • Cash - only at expo stands and club visits

We are happy to accept any of above that is most easiest for you.

For more information contact David and Rachel
vrcasts@gmail.com or ph: 03 5565 7832 or 0422164747 ah
or PO Box 99 Koroit 3282

Rachel and David Shalders
VR Casts